Richard Florida: Exploring American Cities

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PBS Books, in collaboration with DPTV, is pleased to host a program with best-selling New York Times author Richard Florida in conversation with journalist Zoe Clark.  Florida discusses the importance of cities and Urbanism trends in the 21st century post-pandemic.  Join us to gain important insights into the future of American cities and how creativity and innovation drives urban growth. 

Also available on Facebook and Youtube

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Richard Florida 

He is a researcher and professor, serving as University Professor at University of Toronto’s School of Cities and Rotman School of Management, and a Distinguished Fellow at NYU’s Schack School of Real Estate. 

Richard Florida is a writer and journalist, having penned several global best sellers, including the award winning The Rise of the Creative Class and his most recent book, The New Urban Crisis. He is co-founder of CityLab, the leading publication devoted to cities and urbanism. 

He is an entrepreneur, as founder of the Creative Class Group which works closely with companies and governments worldwide. 


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