National Book Festival

2019 Library of Congress National Book Festival On Demand


Image of authors and books from the schedule.

PBS Books showcased exclusive live coverage of the 2019 Library of Congress National Book Festival on August 31, at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. Featuring exceptional writers, the festival attracts tens of thousands of book-loving readers every year.

Check out our previous coverage of the National Book Festival.…

2019 Library of Congress National Book Festival On Demand2019-08-22T21:39:33-04:00

PBS Books Hosts for the 2019 Library of Congress National Book Festival


Rich Fahle

Rich Fahle is the Executive Producer of PBS Books. He has worked with books and authors for more than 20 years, including as a former Vice President Content and Entertainment for Borders, where he produced book, movie and music media for online distribution.…

PBS Books Hosts for the 2019 Library of Congress National Book Festival2019-08-14T12:17:05-04:00

2018 National Book Festival On-demand


11:00 A.M.

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Dr. Carla Hayden

Library of Congress

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11:10 A.M.

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David Ignatius

The Quantum Spy

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11:20 A.M.

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Tara Westover

Educated: A Memoir

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11:40 A.M.

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Amy Tan

Where the Past Begins: A Writer’s Memoir

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U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor

Turning Pages: My Life Story and The Beloved World of Sonia Sotomayor

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12:20 P.M.

2018 National Book Festival On-demand2019-08-08T11:00:21-04:00
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